Branding: Part 2
Please read my part 1 branding, before reading this.
If you have already, thank you for reading my blog, it means a great deal that you are taking the time out of your day to read about my placement year!
Continuing on from last week, I have been thinking about personal branding. Whilst at uni, I have been taught lots about how to portray yourself through your branding. What are the pros and cons of a good brand? Alongside my fashion course, I did a add+vantage in branding. I chose this as it was relevant in the first year because I was about to do a project for branding and making shoes. I really enjoyed the research behind the project and did rather well on an extra task creating a Christmas bauble based on the brand I was given. I need to start using my research and reflect this into my brand for the future.

One of the main branding features I have been reflecting on is the brand name, my name that is. I have referred to myself as Ali for many years as a nickname but I have started thinking recently that as a brand name for myself, does it work? Does it have that ring to the name that other companies have? It could just be the way the brand name looks on my website, which I definitely think I need to improve before my deadline. I would also like to create an official domain name, so this is another reason to come up with a brand name.
I have been told a few times that as my email address is under the name Alice, it can be confusing that my brand name is my nickname and what do people refer to my name as? I have spent the past two years at uni, trying to come up with a brand name that isn't my name. Finding a name that reflects me, but isn't my name is rather tricky!
One of my feedback notes was to adapt my pattern on my website. I have kept it clean and simple, with basic top bodice blocks and including a bit of colour. I chose this as I thought it reflects well with my pattern cutting skills, however looking further into it, it is very basic for someone inspiring to be a pattern cutter. I will be developing and changing this before my deadline, as I want this pattern on my other branding.
If anyone has any recommendations on what they would like to see that links to my skills, I would love to hear from you!
Ali xox